Saturday, August 21

Authorised to rob

What's the whole bloody point, really?

What would you say? 'hi, how are you?'

What would I say? 'Better and worse, because of you'?

I really don't know what to say to you. Were you real or were you a figment of my most unrealistic of imagination? Are you real or are you another act of illusion that my most delicate of mind conjured up to deceive even myself?

There was so much I can risk, and you took them all, by installments. And I kick myself in the balls, if I have any, because now I'm left with so little. And I know I can't blame you for all of it. Cos maybe you were a mere personification of my imagination. Maybe I chose to be emptied of fantasies and dreams so that I could concentrate on what's real and painful.

From a section of the future, you came and resided in my past. Then, took away a section of my future, leaving me with the carcass of a surreal past.

Sunday, August 15

Will you?

It's time to wake up. Why don't you?

It's time to get wiser. Why don't you?

It's time to leave. Why don't you?

It's time to let go. Why don't you?

It's time to cry. Why don't you?

It's time to cry. Why don't you?

It's time to cry. Will you?