Sunday, September 14

Delusions bazaar

Wenn and I were at a school canteen. It was raining terribly heavily. The weather was stormy and that kept us from going anywhere else. We decided to just have soup noodles at the canteen. There was a long queue. Wenn and I queued for our noodles. However, we realised that we were not being served.

Apparently, we were supposed to queue for the bowls and then, bring the bowls over to the stall-holder for our noodles. Self-serve. We got quite pissed about this because we waited a long time and there was no clear instructions telling us what were the procedures to get our tummy filled.

Then, I started bitching. We had, then, got into a lecture hall. There was some minister in the lecture hall. Apparently, he was there to gather feedback about the school and the standard. So, since I was already bitching, I bitched even louder. Loud enough for the minister to hear our displeasure at not being served and not being told how to get to our noodles.

When the minister left, Wenn and I walked to the back of the lecture hall to find seats behind. As I went behind, I saw Kay. She was seated in one of the aisles on the right. She was alone but there was a seat that she seemed to be reserving for someone. I just smiled at her and she smiled, weakly, too.

Then, Wenn called out to me. She has found two seats on the left side. She called me to go over to join her. I went over. On the seat that she found for me, there was a soft toy. A small white soft toy that looked rather like a unicorn. I picked it up and asked across the hall whose soft toy it was.

Kay put up her hand and said it's hers. Actually, it belonged to the person she was waiting for. The person she has reserved a seat for. Somehow, I felt it was Shreen. But it was not my business to care. So, I didn't think too much about it. She wanted me to throw the soft toy over, across the aisle. I did as I was told. I threw over. Unfortunately, I tossed it a little too high up and it landed on the floor behind her bench.

Immediately, I shouted, "sorry!" I didn't mean it.

However, Kay mumbled something as she threw me an accusingly look. I didn't hear her but Wenn did. Wenn shot her a dirty look and told me to just get back in my seat and sit down and ignore Kay. But I was too curious why she cast me an accusing look. So, I asked her.

She said, "It was not an accident. You did it on purpose." The look she gave me was probably the most hurtful look I ever saw in her eyes.

That's when I started crying. I was incredibly upset having been misjudged by her. It was terribly hurtful that she thought I was so vindictive and vengeful and would be childish enough to go to the extent of purposely throwing (what I believed to be) her current gf's soft toy onto the floor.

Wenn knew the reason why I was so upset. She comforted me and told me it was all right and that I didn't have to give a shit about what Kay said. On the other hand, Kay totally ignored me and I could sense that she really thought I was so petty.

So, I got really upset and I kept crying.

To the point I knew it was a dream. But perhaps, it's just my mind's way of getting rid of some unwanted and unconstructive emotions. So, since I was already crying in my dreams, I wanted to really cry and spend all those awful emotions so that they don't linger on.

So, I cried, for real. And woke up feeling tired. Damn.

This is obviously not a good dream. Birthday wishes never come true. What the hell.