Monday, August 24

Delusions bazaar

Everyone's in Hong Kong!

Emman and I were there, travelling with a bunch of family folks, including many kids and a couple of babies. I have no idea whose relatives they were. They were with us, nevertheless. Such that, wherever we planned to go, we had to mind the baby and when's a good time to let it sleep and feed. Mind the kids too. And a few adult relatives who seemed totally dependent on us. Suffice to say, as far as we were concerned, that must be a nightmarish kind of holiday.

Then, I found out that Wenn, Apple and Shaun were in HK too. And obviously, Kyn too, as she goes to HK every weekend. It was a weekend then. What's more, Wenn and Apple were staying near to the hotel I was staying in. Wenn's was a rather posh looking hotel, on company expenses of course. Apple and Shaun were staying in a reasonably up-class hotel too. I was in a decent hotel, suite-room, cos of the kidssss and relativessss (whom I'm sure I didn't invite).

Everybody's in Hong Kong!

I wanted to arrange for Apple, Wenn, Kyn and myself to meet up. But everyone's busy. Wenn was only there for a weekend. Apple was returning to Sg soon. Kyn tried her best to squeeze in time between her errands and other appointments to meet us.

Before I woke up, I didn't manage to meet my dear friends in Hong Kong. I was giving instructions of the itinerary to the accompanying kids and relatives and asking Emman if he wanted to have the best scrambled egg on earth again.

Sounds like a terrible holiday.
Sunday, August 23

Underneath it all

What I want is to be with you. But I have no stories to tell. Not now anyway. I have nothing that I want us to do. I have no opinions to speak of, no comments, no nothing. Not now.

It would have been so nice if when, like now, I've no stories to tell, you could start telling me a bit of all those stuff you know and I don't. History, economics, office politics, your friends, your family, your colleagues, your childhood, your plans, your achievements... I don't really care what. I would love to just listen to you talk. Listen while I rest my head on your lap.

Even if we couldn't - perhaps it will never be in you to initiate a conversation talking about you, the things you like, the things that interested you - it would be nice to just have you hold me, and us listening to music together.

I wanted us to spend time together, without an agenda, without anything more than a light peck on the cheeks or my hair. You know, that simple kind of affection that I so love.

I didn't ask you to stay. I don't know why. Maybe I was so lonely that I couldn't bear to spoil your evening with it. The Magic would be better. Besides, I didn't want to thwart your plan of jogging home. Better earlier than late.

I wanted, but I didn't say. It's too late, anyway. Not your fault. Just I didn't say. I'm documenting this but don't bring this up. It's ok. Being in love, sometimes, means you will end up feeling more lonely than if you were alone.

I'm going to sleep. Don't bring this up. It's ok...
Thursday, August 20

Delusions bazaar

I was in a pensive mood, not so much of talking (very much like reality recently, in fact). I was at home. There was some kind of celebration at home. Not celebration, more like some kind of religious feast. Maybe the start of the Hungry Ghosts' Festival, which must have seeped into my dream after Emman reminded me about it last night. Anyway, I remember a feast of pretty good food.

Then, I found two letters waiting for me. One in the living room and one stuck on my bedroom door. They were both love letters from Emman. I was puzzled cos it's very unusual for Emman to write me anything, much less TWO love letters.

I took the letters into my room and read. I can't remember the contents but it must have been about how much he missed and loved me. Then, someone came in with a parcel meant for me. From Emman too.

Apparently, my sillyyou thought that my pensive and quiet mood was a result of something wrong that he might have said or done. I guess he couldn't stand my mood anymore and decided to throw in the white flag. (haha) So, came those love letters and a surrender parcel of tributes, aimed to placate me.

What was inside the parcel, then? Two huge ring files, many sets of cute stickers (including one of Strawberry Shortcake), a set of antique stamps, and some other little stationery that I can't recall now. I was poring over the contents and as I did so, I couldn't help but chuckle. The thought was, "Who in the world would send such 'practical' stuff to cheer his girlfriend up?" People usually give flowers or sweets, candies, chocolates, useless accessories, etc. My boyfriend is The Strange (and cute).

I remember smiling, nevertheless. How silly is this sillyyou! And I wanted to message him "I love you" before I woke up. And I almost messaged him, even so. But I blogged instead.

You are so Qute. I love you. ^_^