Friday, August 13


Oh, and treating me like a baby. Like, saying, 'At least, I wanted what's good for you.' I think I would know better what's good for myself.

More importantly, I thought the thing about having a relationship is not about what's good for you or what's good for me, but what's GOOD for the relationship? At least, I always stand on that bottomline. Sometimes, I sacrifice what's good for me for what's good for you, vice versa. And that's OK, because so long as we are appreciated, it adds something nice to the concept of 'us'. But, that's just my opinion, again.

We may have to argue for a whole lifetime on this.


Looks like it will come to 2 years. Or two-and-half, to be unofficial.

The recent spate of events at home just over one long weekend gave me a renewed but jaded, fresh but familiar and clear eye look at this love relationship thing. The boy-girl relationship. But, I suppose it also applies to girl-girl relationship, for that matter. Oh, and boy-boy.

True enough, the 'good morning' smses still come in, only absent on days when work drives the morning away. On which, the afternoon smses will still come as a worthy compensation. Only, really absent on days of cold war.

Speaking of which, it's also exact enough to expect that some differences may take a lifetime to iron out.
Like, "When are you going to throw it (usually, some long-forgotten shirts or long-neglected pair of non-functioning glasses) out?"
Like, "Why do you have to go gym, again? You just went..."
And also,
like, "Are you OK?" when the intention is never to trust that I AM OK.
And of course, the monthly erratic mood swings when the personalities of Queen, Princess, Bitch, Emo get all stirred and confused by the coming of the evil sister.

Apart from the above and some others, it's all good. I think.

So, I guess... we are going to be OK!