Friday, May 20

slipping into the next

Emman and I clean forgot about yesterday, which was the 3rd anniversary of that fateful 'bus-stop' incident.

I actually remembered that weeks ahead, and even last week. I was still casually thinking of writing a love note to my boyfriend to mark yesterday. (I guess, he'll just have to read it from here. heh) Ironically, this week, it totally slipped my mind and I only got to surprise at forgetting it moments ago. Then, surprised Em with him forgetting it too. heh...

It's not easy, keeping track of so many dates. What's more, with our 'official' and 'unofficial' anniversary dates, that means more dates to remember.

Then again, perhaps not actually remembering it signifies a new passing. A passing into a phase of the relationship where well, milestones don't matter anymore cos moments matter more? I like it this way, and to think it this way.

This shouldn't come as a surprise in fact, when it's coming from a person who doesn't regard her own birthday very highly, and who really doesn't like to make a big deal out of special dates. After all, every day comes once in a lifetime, isn't it?

Nevertheless, I would agree that anniversary dates serve as a 'gathering point' to make that special effort to recall and recollect the other days that have gone before it. Perhaps, to see how far we've come. It may not necessarily call for a celebration, but it calls for a recount. A recount of one's blessings, maybe trials and tribulations (this term coming across so frequently in RCIA), and the reasons to be thankful for.

Last night, Emman said he's gotten used to my being different and unpredictable (viz.a.viz mainstream and predictable). He claimed that he knows better now, how to manage me, though he does not know me very well yet (I think it's something along the line of ignoring my moodiness, but not ignoring me. =P).

That's a good way of putting the past 3 years.

As for me, I still do not see eye to eye with him on plenty of things, which makes him 'weird' to me. But, I too, know better now how to manage his antics. Fundamentally, in order to preserve the lightness of my boyfriend's mood, the weather has to be good - preferably no more than 20 deg cel. He's a bit like wine, Emman.

The next phase will most likely come with a 30 year loan from HDB. Not a very rosy phase, financially. But I'm sure we'll make it up in the other departments.

Happy 3rd May 19th, Dardee!